Monday, August 16, 2010

Projek Kalsom 16

Projek Kalsom 2010
5 days in Terengganu was amazing as I have gained priceless experiences and amazing friends. The preparation for PK was all well organised to a certain extend. It is an event; flaws were bound to happen nevertheless it was amazingly successful. The motivational course for the 16 years old high school student was what hit me the most.
The whole project started by us giving motivational talks to groups of form three and form 5 students of SMK SETIU, it was a cluster school and a boarding school. During the one to one session I was assigned with a group of 10 boys, ten very cheerful and chatty boys with high potential to succeed in life. What got to me was their lack in ambition and drives to succeed. The merely wanted to take over what their father do and be fishermen, and farmers. One or two wanted to be a teacher and another wanted to be a driver for big shots. First I was startled then I realise these children don’t have any exposure. Put them in small groups and the will rant all they want but if you get them to speak in public they will all shy away. They are very immature and very ignorant of life after their village life. Their major problem was speaking English. These children can read and write English very well but when it came to speaking and communicating they just don’t. After spending some time with them and getting them to tell me their problems and difficulties, the reason they don’t speak the language is due to peer pressure.
The next group we met were the projects participants. They had the same problem as well, ENGLISH! It was sad at the same time I was disappointed with the mindset of these kids that were very much influenced by peer pressure. I realised that I needed to do something to change this. I have to make at the very least 10% of 200 participant realise peer pressure is nothing and they can overcome it and be successful. For a start all the modules that I have written were meant to be conducted in English and our facilitators were very strict in using English during every discussion. Still it was difficult to get the children to talk and start a discussion. One of the girl cried when she was ask to speak in English in front of a group of ten! That was when i decided this needed a whole new approach. Telling them and encouraging them to speak English alone will not help.
I started of the second day of the module by dispersing them of to be with their own group and went personally to each group to give them a somewhat pep talk. Where I mentioned about how hard life is for their parents and how as a child they were responsible to change that and give them a better life in the future. It was a rather emotional talk where some of them started to cry. I managed to complete at least 15 groups in two days and was crossing my fingers to see good results. The last day of the project the groups were suppose to present their business plans ( one of the module ) to the VIPs present and I was very impressed at the fact that they tried their level best to speak English. Even when a few participants were invited to give a recap of what they have gained from the camp the spoke in English. I was satisfied. Extremely satisfied, that we managed to make a difference.
At the end of the camp when everyone was saying goodbye quite a few participants came up to me to thank me and what touched me the most was every single one who came up to me spoke in ENGLISH!!! I knew then that what i always believed in was right. You can change anybody’s mind set all you have to know is how  It was a beautiful and rewarding experience. Now i am looking for a way to help change our Indian community as I know there are plenty of them out there in out skirted areas who have the same mind-sets as these children here in Terengganu. I want to make a difference in their lives. Or to the very least expose them to what is out there in the Real World that they are missing out on.
Salam Kalsom and start making a difference 