Sunday, October 11, 2009

In the UK

Reached Heathrow at 3.oopm London time, and i was excited enough to reach the Great Britain, lined up at the clearing for student line and that was when i realised i missed Malaysia. The staff at the counter was not as friendly, the people were not really bothered and the way they address people gave me a shock, "oi, would you get outta there maite" I had an immediate reflection of what it will be like in Malaysia, the malaysian staff woulkd definitely say " Im sorry you are not allowed to be in here sir," Funny how we start appreciating things when we dont have themn or far away from them.
How much i appreciate Malaysian food, people and especially the weather. Yes the weather! Its extremely cold and how much i hate the rain.It rains but it never stops. How annoying is that. This post is going to be about Malaysia in the eye of englishmen here in the UK.

For a start my landlords thinks that we Malaysian live on tree.He was surprised when i told him most Malaysians use their hand to eat, he wondered if the food would spill all around us if we used our hands. He even came to the assumption that we have never seen fork and spoon. More than 50 years of independence I am proud of how my country has evolved from a third world country to a developing nation where we have national structure and buildings and landscape that has been well known globaly. I have seen the picture of the Malaysian Petronas Twin Tower in a few magazines here in the UK, and these people admire the structure but what they are not aware if is that that structure is located in Malaysia. People here know Thailand, Singapore but not Malaysia. When i show them pictures of Twin Tower and the beautiful Putrajaya... they are definitely amazed and they definitely would want to visit the country.
Apart from the structure the diversity of the culture that we have in our country seem to really attract their interest and attention, English people here are awed at how such diversity can be found in a small country like malaysia and the language advantage that we have is simply incredible. A greece student told me that the Malaysians can literally communicate with any part of the world due to the advantage in language. I never thought i did have that much fun telling another person about my country.

I was waiting for my inferiority complex to vanish before i post this post... and yes they have vanished.. students in Malaysia are very much better experienced and have a wholesome education compare to those in UK. Admiration for our not so perfect education has increased but only in a minimal level. Well for starters students from Malaysian have more to put on their CV'c compared to the locals here. Well maybe i am only referring to a certain level of student from Malaysia, nevertheless i am still proud.

Finally the moment i set foot on Malaysia i want roti canai and teh tarik =)

Saturday, August 29, 2009


It has been 52 years since we got our independence, I was watching the news earlier with my family and suddenly a thought striked me. I reaslised how lucky we are to be able to stay in this country. There was a flood in Penang and the victims were placed at a mosque for shelter, regardless of race all of them took shelter in the mosque. It is something unique that you don't get to see very much in other countries. I am very sure of that.
I have been here all my life, well thats because my grandmother took the trouble to come all the way from India to Malaya ( then). She found her way to a Malay kampung, Dungun Kuala Terengganu not knowing how to speak anything but Malayalam. She was the only Indian in the area yet she was not alone. The villagers there were really nice and they did not discriminate her, instead they helped her, gave her a job and a place to stay till she got her own. Seriously in todays world how many of you would let a totally unknown foreigner in your home, give them shelter and look up for a job for them?
My guess is no... non of you reading this right now would ever do that. People before did that, my mother and father both grew up in a Malay kampung and they have no problem. My dad use to tell me that he eats at his friends and they eat at his place. They have no issues because respect is something that is nutured in us Malaysians.
Looking at life in India, i thank god my grand parents came down here to Malaysia, looking at the floor of my house, the television i am watching, why even this desktop that i am using to blog, how lucky I am to be able to enjoy all these when my relatives in India have the ground as their floor.
The Indians and Chinese claim that the government is not fair, they should get more of what they don't get... personally i really wish that people who make such claims go back to their history books or atleast reflect back on their roots. We agreed on it years ago on the quota sytem and the bumiputeras' privilleges, what is the problem now? Aren't the Indians and Chinnese getting jobs in the government sectors? Aren't they running their own bussinesses? Are they not getting scholarships to study? Are they judge with a different set of law? Are they not getting education? Were they ever deprived of education? Look at the "Kolej Komuniti" around us, its shared with everyone, and that is only one example. Half of you reading this will be thinking this is BTN talk. To be honest with you take a second and think about it, is it the government that are depriving us of our rights or is it our people who are greedy and take the portion of the pie all for themself without distributing it equally? Whose fault is it exactly?
Well this post of mine is to appreciate all we have here in Malaysia, i honestly believe that i can NEVER find another country like Malaysia.
This whole " 1 Malaysia" campaign has actually got me thinking, there is alot more to it than sitting down and looking at its flaws. Look at the boons of it, look at how united we are, throw racism away as it gets you no where. Learn to appreciate our sorroundings, count our blessings.
We have been working together for such a long time, we have been proving to people that we are harmonious people. Why break that now
I know expats who disses our country on how bad is it. Well if its so bad why do they bother applying for a PR in our country? Those people love our country but they don't want to admit it. I know expats who diss our country but they end up buying property and applying for a PR here. They silently acknowledge the beauty of this country yet they never admit it.
Malaysians out there, when another person disses your country, please do not just agree blindly with them just because they are whites. Its a Malaysian disease that they love to suck up to the whites. Trust me the more you suck up to them the more they diss us. Stand up for what you belief. Stand up for Malaysia.
My suggestion for those of you who are reading this and saying " what rubbish is this" go get a history book and read it, you will soon come to realise how lucky you are. Live life happily together.

Whew this is like im just throwing all my thoughts all at once, but yeah thats whats going trough my mind now... =)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Problem With Our Indian Community

The Malaysian Indian community make up about 7% of the population in Malaysia. These Indians have been fellow residents of Malaya ever since the British Colonial era. The Chinese descendant were brought in the same time as ours were brought in to Malaya. The Chinese community on the whole are obviously doing way better than the Indian community in Malaysia in the current era. Who can deny that. Will our Indian community ever reach to their level of success and achievement we see today?
I am certainly not denying the fact that there are a handful of us whohas achieved a certain level in their life to be claim themselves successful people.
Look at Mr Anandha Krishnan for example. He takes the second spot of Top Ten Richest Person In Malaysia. Mr Tony Fernandez, CEO of Air Asia who brought the low budget airline company up to a level that it is able to shake the Malaysian Airlines control of Malaysian flight market and now Air Asia is competing at global standards. However comments and further details regarding successful Indian will have to stop here as my interest is more on the problem that we Indians face yesterday, today and tommorrow as well if actions are not taken to solve the issuse.
This article is based on observation and understanding of the Indian community around my age group ( 17-30). Ask them if they have a problem in achieving something they start blaming the government, the environment, their peers, teachers, why even parents but they NEVER blame themselves when the fact is that is where the root of the problem is.
The main problem with us is that we have this very deadly disease. Its known as the KPC virus or better known as "kay poh chi." Yes you heard me right, our people are such nosy people that they rather spent their time taking extra interest in other people's personal affair rather than their own. It's true, very true indeed. If those of you reading this realise you fall in that category, Thank God! Now that you know its time to get up and make a change
The next problem faced by our community is that one Indian is always ever ready to bring another Indian down. We do not compete to be sucessful istead we cut other people down along the way of us reaching our success. Have you ever seen such cruel people before? This is why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Personally, I don't see what is wrong for you to help another Indian. There are two ways to see these things.
1. You help the poor
2. You help your friends or relations
There are people who only help the poor but refuse to acknowledge the success or refuse to help their own peers by degrading them of putting it in layments term bitching about your friends are all bunch of hypocrites. You people are trying to be nice and all angelic on the outside, but in the inside you guys are nothing but a two-faced, two-timing person. You are not all that bad, Cheers for you for helping the poor (regardless wheter you are sincere or not) and Shame on You All for bitching about your peers ( which includes your colleagues).
Now that i have unveiled two of the main problem faced by our people let me tell you the third, as i have mentioned we love spreading the blame around. Blaming the government, the people, our friends. etc. What we need is a change take a look at ourselves in the mirror and realise what is wrong with us. Take a look at ourselves and take time to point out our own flaws. "Unnmai sonnal Kasakum" or truth is bitter as most of us Indians are familliar with this term. Learn to swallow the truth and you will understand what i meant by u can make a difference because then you would be busy correcting you own flaws rather then bitching and analysing other people's flaws. This again has alot to do with being nosy.
As someone very close to me has told me, Never Forget Your Roots. Which is very true. To be honest to those who think speaking tamil is a disgrace you should happily go flush your face in a toilet bowl. Its a disgrace that you are not speaking the language. I shall stop talking about our roots here as that is a whole other post.

To those who are offended by reading this post, GOOD which means you know that you fall in one of those category and its time for a change. I have every right to talk about my fellow Indian community as I am an Indian my self and i do realise i have flaws of my own to correct. So do me a favour and go correct your flaws while i correct mine.

note: This is not a racist article and anything that appears to be racist my deepest apologies as it must be my inability to put it in proper language.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Of all the times in The World...

I had to sprain my the season where i really need to exercise...haizzz...its really frustrating...
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I am going to grow into a GREAT BIG PIG and my dress is not going to fit...damn it!

Dun ask me how i screwed up my ankle cause its really dumb...twice on the field and in my room and i ada hati wanna jog today neways the gud part is... i will finally sit and study... good for me!! hahahhaha...

I am not going to finish this post today... too lazy to type~ and not enuough to publish....

Woo HOo More complaints~

Well I AM A GENIUS!!! there can be no one better than me

Well let the story begin....

I was on the phone with my mom, and she was doing the usual...nagging... and i was doing the unusual washing my bowl...
Guess what was next....


My phone dropped in to the bowl filled with water...

I was like...oh shit!!!! oh shit!!!!

And the next thing i did was ...

here comes the star intelligence...

i put it in the FREAKING MICROWAVE....


nah it didn't explode it just came out smelling like fire works...
1st thing 1st thank god my sim card still works
my battery smells<>
and my camera was like smoky~

Told amma on MSN and she the first thing she asked was " WHERE YOU PUT YOUR BRAINS??!!"

Which was a very good question as it got me wondering as well where I put it~...

oh well...whats done is done~ what can i do...

Monday, May 18, 2009


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Miss Tiow Rocks!!

Well thank you Miss Tiow for taking the history class for the Global Peace Talk by Reverend Jesse Jackson. I was so excited about the whole thing that I went to sit right up front on the VIP seats...
The talk was practically about Barrack Obama and how US has matured to have a black man as the president. Then there was Tun Dr Mahathir, and a few others who had a dialogue after the whole speech by Rev J.Jackson. Their theme for the day was how Obama would not be able to make much difference a he would not do anything about the Israel- Palestine War.

Logically of course he wouldn't do anything as the US economy is controlled by the Jews. If he was to do anything its like taking a bomb and throwing it on his head.

Well dont want to go any further as anything that has to with politics or criticism = one way road to ISA... Its like USSR before the collapse...before Glasnot was introduced!!!

Anyways i got some really cool pics that i am proud of.

O yea...Dr M himself and Me!!!... I had to chase him right down just for this pic... well it sounds dumb..but its what i want.. oh wait there are more!!!
Sheikh Muzzafar...Malaysians astronaut... he was really sweet. He waited for me to take the pic with him... Oh yea...he is damn cute even upclose~ and his skin is super smooth!!

Tun Dr Siti Hasmah...i was really amazed at how good she was at giving the opening speech... the flow was fantastic and she had nothing to refer to. Tengku Nazrin was there and she could remember his name including all the other VIP's and her speech text. Her public speaking skills really amazed me.